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These majestic souls migrate through Samara between late December and March.

Often with their young they come into the safety of the bay where they feed and play. The best times to spot them are early in the mornings or on our longer 3 dive adventure day..

Humpback whales are extremely placid and often will avoid human contact but occasionally they come up and say hello, jump with enormous force, or fluke there amazing tails.

We sometimes are kept company during our dives with whale song. There is nothing more beautiful than the sound of these creatures talking to each other. When it goes silent it almost feels lonely.

Nothing but Eagle Rays

The scientific name for this type of ray is Aetobatus narinari 

Why Do Rays Jump Out of The Water?

  • Its a form of courtship that shows the females the better and stronger males.
  • Helps white spotted stingray get rid of remoras and parasites.
  • Homing system. When eagle rays jump together, it highlights their position to isolated individuals. Jumping makes a sound heard miles away.
  • Because jumping out of the water is fun for them.

Dive and get hooked!

By Nicholas Reeves April 25, 2023
Learning to dive - THEN and NOW

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